Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29 & Saturday July 30

Today we...

Hung out at home all morning.  Jasper has decided he and Ernie are inseparable.  It's very cute, but it does make travel a bit more difficult.  If we try to pull out of the driveway without Ernie in the car, Jasper begins screaming, "Duckie!  Duckie!" (He calls Ernie "Duckie" because of the rubber duckie songs.)  I try to remember that this, too, is a phase.  Here is Jasper chilling on the couch with "Duckie" and "Grove."

After nap, I decided to try to bake with Jasper.  I picked out a very simple muffin recipe.  Apparently, 19 months is still too young to bake.  Jasper was far more interested in removing the flour from the bowl than putting it in or stirring it.  So, Jasper ate the remainder of a container of applesauce that we had used as an ingredient while I finished up the muffins.  At least he got practice using a spoon unsupervised?  Here is Jasper enjoying his snack instead of baking.

Auntie Sara, Anna and baby Johnny came over to play in the afternoon.  We all had lots of fun.  Somehow, I forgot to pull out the camera.  Or maybe it was that I was so enjoying sitting on the couch while Sara entertained Jasper.  I don't get that luxury very often.  It was a great afternoon.

On Saturday, we woke up early (Jasper's initiative).  That worked out okay, since we were going blueberry picking as early as we could.  We got to the farm at around 7:30 AM.  That was nice because it was sunny, but still a bearable temperature.  We all got our own buckets.  Jasper did very well with the picking.  After being shown a few times, he was picking all on his own, and was very good at only picking blue ones.  We got a pound of blueberries.  A far cry from the ten pounds Kurt and I used to pick on our own, but better than expected.  Daddy showing Jasper how to pick.

Picking like an old pro.

After picking, we walked back to the car.  Then, we discovered that there were some animals across the street.  We went over to check them out.  There were two goats and two sheep, all apparently very hungry for a snack and curious as to whether or not we had brought them one (we hadn't).  Jasper still got a kick out of them.  He kept yelling "Baaa!" (correct) and "Ooooooooo!" (not so correct--that's what he thinks cows say).  The whole way home, he was still shouting out his animal sounds.

Other, less photographed (meaning, um, not at all photographed) highlights of our day included eating lots and lots of broccoli for lunch (Jasper's choice--not ours), helping Daddy pull weeds, and Skyping with Grandma and Pappa Bru. 

Two good days.  What did you do?

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