Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Monday, August 22 - Wednesday, August 24

This week we...

Finally got back on track.  First, we had a week of preparing to leave for Florida.  Then, we had a week of Mommy having a really bad cold.  Next, we had a week of intense anticipation as we waited to hear some job news...which never came, and we are still waiting for, but at least now waiting for more calmly (I guess after a certain amount of time, you get so used to waiting that it is just part of life).  This week, we finally got back to life as usual.

On Monday morning, we decided to excavate the toy tub in the living room.  I was looking for a specific book (which I did not find, and still haven't found), but it is always good to bring the bottom toys up to the top so they seem "new" again.  Here is Jasper discovering some old friends.

On Monday afternoon, we went to the Londonderry playground.  We got there at around 3, and stayed until about 6:30.  We saw lots of friends there--Sabina and Milo, Tiffany and Alanna, and then Joanna and Liam.  Then Daddy showed up.  So did John, Liam's Daddy.  Jasper had fun.  Kurt and I had fun catching up with friends. 

Tuesday morning was rather calm.  Jasper enjoyed his very juicy peach from Mack's.  Peach season is short here, so you have to enjoy them while you can.

After nap, we joined Katie and Eli at the Chester playground.  We had a good time.  For some reason, Jasper likes to snack there more than he likes to play.  I haven't completely figured that out yet.  I did not bring the camera because my bag was already so heavy with both of our full water bottles.  Hopefully I'll remember next time.

Today, we went out to the driveway for a fun new experience--sidewalk chalk!  Jasper had lots of fun drawing.
I didn't quite anticipate the mess.  Luckily, it washed/brushed right off.

Drawing eventually ended when Jasper noticed a dandelion in full bloom in the grass nearby.  He made a beeline for it and picked it.  Then, he had to find the perfect place to display it.  He chose to place it on a brick that was centered on a tree stump.  Then, he climbed up on the tree stump and admired his work.

After nap, we went to the Derry farmer's market, where we met Katie and Eli.  Unfortunately, my camera's batteries had died and I didn't have replacements.  It's really too bad, because there were some great photo ops.  We bought a peach and an apple and ate them while listening to some live music.  Then, we got two slices of pizza (Mommy's request, but Jasper ate the majority of it), also while listening to the music.  We had a great time walking among the vendors and people watching.  I couldn't believe we stayed for almost two hours!  Maybe next week, my camera will have some juice.

Hope you have had a great week so far, too.

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